JavaScript Operators

Vin Andros
2 min readJan 19, 2021
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

JavaScript have different types of operators, first let’s talk about Logical Operators. JavaScript supports three logical operators: and,or and not. This operators area applied to Boolean values for example

console.log(true && false); // -> && and operator
//output -> false
console.log(true && true);
//output -> true

Like we can see, to get a true output both values have to be true, if one of them is false, the output will be false. For other to get a true output with the or operator, we just need one true value.

console.log(false || true); // -> || or operator
//output -> true
console.log(false || false);
//output -> false

The last operator is not, this operator flips the value of given to it

console.log(!true) // -> ! not operator
//output -> false

Unary Operators

A unary operator is one that takes a single operand/argument and performs an operation.

This is a list of unary operators

Ternary operator

An special operator who is used like a short if statement, let’s see:

//If statement
//output -> hola
//Ternary operator
true ? console.log("hola") : console.log("mundo")
//output -> hole

We also have the spread operator, this one is used to destructuring objects and arrays, for example

const arrayOne = [1,2,3];
const arrayTwo = [4,5,6];
const fullArray = [...arrayOne,...arrayTwo];
//output -> [1,2,3,4,5,6]

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Vin Andros

Passionate reading || Coding Addicted || FullStack Web Developer from Costa Rica