JavaScript Simple Conditional Execution.

Vin Andros
1 min readFeb 24, 2021
Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash

Conditional Execution is used when you have 2 different results for an specific case condition. For example if you want to print a result based on a comparison:

cosnt number = -4;
if(number > 0){ //Conditional execution
console.log(`Number ${number} is positive.`)
}else {
console.log(`Number ${number} is negative.`)

The JavaScript workflow is changed by the conditional statements if and else. For other hand, you can use while and do loops to change the flow over loop situations like:

let number = 0;
while(number <= 4){ //Conditional execution
console.log(`Count: ${number}`);
Count: 0;
Count: 1;
Count: 2;
Count: 3;
Count: 4;

Also you can break the workflow for a loop using the break keyword, In the previous example we can add an if condition to break the loop when the number change to 3:

let number = 0;
while(number <= 4){ //Conditional execution
console.log(`Count: ${number}`);
if(number === 3){
Count: 0;
Count: 1;
Count: 2;
Count: 3;

If you are interesting you can check out this Eloquent JavaScript.



Vin Andros

Passionate reading || Coding Addicted || FullStack Web Developer from Costa Rica