New Job

Vin Andros
Mar 23, 2021
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It’s have been a while since I don’t post anything, but I have been really excited and busy. Like a month ago I got my first job and I have learned a lot these last few weeks, I started to learn new technologies like Vue and Apollo Server with Laravel. In the beginning, was hard but now I am comfortable, really happy to learn something new every day.

What’s about the company? Well, It’s a small technology company that gives developer services over web development, mobile development, and Artificial Intelligence. We are about 30 people, including Administrative area and developers, It’s a nice place to grow up and aport ideas.

For last, just a short piece of advice, If you want to achieve one goal in your life, do little things every day to contribute to your goal, and you will get it before than you think.



Vin Andros

Passionate reading || Coding Addicted || FullStack Web Developer from Costa Rica